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About Us

Building Contractor Nailsea

We have provided a dependable service to clients throughout North Somerset and Bristol for more than 10 years.

We pride ourselves on offering a truly comprehensive service. No matter what your requirements, we will deliver every aspect of your project from concept to completion, saving you the cost and hassle of hiring additional contractors.

General Builders Nailsea

Our capable, time-served tradesmen are conversant in all aspects of carpentry, bricklaying, installation, plumbing, groundwork and more besides. We’re members of the Federation of Master Builders and our team is Part P and Gas Safe registered for your peace of mind.

At Intex Building Company, we only work with high grade materials chosen for their quality, durability and style, ensuring professional results are achieved every time.

So if your looking for general builders in Nailsea, or maybe your after a loft conversion in Clevedon, we’ve got it covered, to find out more get in touch today!

Free quotations are available on all work without obligation.

Our Services


Loft & Basement Conversions


Kitchen & Bathroom




Installation & Repair



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